Worth to know
Tiles for garage / workshop / service – how to choose them well?
Tiles for garage / workshop / service – how to choose them well?
Mechanical strength:
The floor in the garage is subjected not only to loads resulting from the weight of cars, but also to the falls of tools or other objects, which as a result in the ceramic or resin floor causes the formation of permanent cavities or simply their rupture. In such situations, SpeedFloor floors are undoubtedly irreplaceable.
Chemical strength:
The elements of the SpeedFloor system are undoubtedly resistant to operating fluids (engine oil, oil or gasoline, radiator or brake fluid), road salt, lubricating materials, paints, etc. or finally chemicals to remove them.
Resistance to operating conditions:
The material from which SpeedFloor tiles are made and the technology of their assembly is a guarantee that everyday operation of the floor and keeping it clean without much effort will certainly not be a problem.
Undoubtedly, frost resistance and the accompanying anti-slip are one of the many features that should characterize the surfaces in garages. A cold and slippery floor in the garage is unacceptable if we want to guarantee ourselves and others safety. The non-absorbent construction of PVC vinyl tiles or the openwork construction of PP polypropylene tiles is a guarantee of safe use. Warm to the touch, with non-slip surface, resistant to salts, fuels and most chemicals. WHAT’s more, it is independent of the ground, lightweight and durable.
If you want to combine safety and functionality with aesthetics, choose SpeedFloor tiles. These modular tiles will easily fulfill all the tasks inherent in a garage floor. As a result, the effect will be a well-groomed floor, serving for many years.
If you want to see what tiles you can use!
If you already know what tiles to choose!

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